Ecology Action Initiative in Afghanistan - You Can Help

Funding for this project is needed. Contributions will be used for start-up costs, tools, seeds, trees, expenses involved to bring Afghan students to the demonstration mini-farm to train in the USA, and to send a teacher to Afghanistan for the start-up phase.

By contributing to this project, you help to promote food security for the poorest and most impacted citizens in Afghanistan. Donors will receive the Ecology Action newsletter, which will periodically describe the project’s progress. GROW BIOINTENSIVE will bring lasting change to a country in need.


Contribution Levels

  Supporter/ $40-$100
  Sustainer / $100-$500
  Sponsor / $500-$1000
  Program Builder / $1000 and over


Payment Method

  Enclosed is my check payable to Ecology Action.  
Please charge my  Visa   Mastercard.

Card Number:

Expiration Date:





State / Province:

Zip / Postal Code:



Ecology Action is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Mail a printed and completed copy of this form along with your contributions to:

Ecology Action
5798 Ridgewood Road
Willits, CA 95490-9730