
Executive Summary



Board of Directors

Advisory Board



Global Chart


John Jeavons, Executive Director: Jeavons has been Director of Ecology Action’s Mini-Farming program since 1972. He is the author of How to Grow More Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains and Other Crops Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine, the textbook of the GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-Farming system, as well as being author, co-author and/or editor of over 30 other Ecology Action publications. His major responsibilities include directing field and library research and education in GROW BIOINTENSIVE food raising. He advises GROW BIOINTENSIVE projects in Mexico, Kenya, Ecuador, Argentina, Russia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan as well as all corners of the U.S. Jeavons holds a B.A. in Political Science from Yale University. Before coming to Ecology Action in 1971, he worked as a systems analyst in business, government and university settings. He has received the Boise Peace Quilt, Santa Fe Living Treasure, Giraffe, and Steward of Sustainable Agriculture awards for his public service.

Carol Cox, Garden Research Manager: Cox has managed the Research Garden at the Willits Mini-Farm since 1992 and was a development professional for 20 years before that. She has Masters degrees in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Library Science, and her experience has included teaching English and French in West Africa and Jamaica. She is co-author of the Ecology Action book, The Sustainable Vegetable Garden. Among her present interests and responsibilities, in addition to coordinating the activities in the Research Garden, are maintaining Ecology Action’s agricultural library collection, making and using solar ovens, studying the compost process, translating a book from the 1850s on the techniques of the Parisian market gardeners, and weaving with willow.

Mary Zellachild, Assistant to the Director: Zellachild has worked for Ecology Action since 1989, writing grant proposals and reports, evaluating materials, writing and editing the newsletter, as well as being responsible for a wide variety of other office duties. Before coming to Ecology Action, she studied history at the University of California, Berkeley, was a suburban housewife and mother and a homesteader, and worked at numerous odd jobs, a necessity for getting established in a small rural town. Zellachild is currently very involved in the Food Group of Willits Economic Localization, a group working towards self-sufficiency on the local level as oil runs out.

Vicci Warhol, Administrative Assistant: I have worked as an Administrative Assistant in the Ecology Action office since 1999. It is very important for me to be involved with and to be doing meaningful work that is helping people throughout our world to better feed themselves and their families while building and preserving the soil and conserving resources. I am grateful to have the opportunity to live and work with caring people in such a beautiful and unique place. This opportunity has enriched my life and the lives of others through learning and sharing the GROW BIOINTENSIVE sustainable mini-farming concepts and method.

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