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March 27-29, 2000 GROW BIOINTENSIVE conference on the U.C. Davis campus
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On Wednesday morning everyone broke into small groups to brainstorm and develop recommendations for GROW BIOINTENSIVE policy and action that might be considered. These were the reports that were brought back to the group as a whole. The recommendations made included:

Agricultural Policy

  • Paying the true value of resources used. Disincentives for inappropriate use of natural resources.
  • Subsidies for converting to GROW BIOINTENSIVE.
  • Labeling of products that are produced sustainably.
  • Incentives to use locally produced food.

Genetic Diversity

  • Heritage seeds preserve biodiversity. They are valuable because most of them come from before the time we used chemicals and so can be cultivated without using chemicals. Heritage seed clubs are needed to increase biodiversity. They would work for the collection and maintenance of seed production for individuals and seed companies. They should get government seed bank varieties to the public, strengthen CSA's, train gardeners and multiply seeds.
  • Crop breeding clubs working with horizontal (poly gene) resistance can produce new varieties with increased resistance to pests and diseases and thus reduce pesticide use.


  • Include more information in the Ecology Action website www.GrowBiointensive.org.
  • Sponsor nationwide GROW BIOINTENSIVE field days around the country.
  • Develop a teachers' manual for grades K-12.
  • Sponsor a national conference every 2-3 years and an international one every 5 years.
  • Think of creative ways to generate funding for the GROW BIOINTENSIVE projects.


  • Buy from local growers.
  • Use regional, multi-cultural and traditional diets.
  • Get kids involved. Have school gardens everywhere.
  • Link gardens with cooking instruction.
  • Create relationships between schools and local farms.


  • Research the major challenges of integrated systems, including water supply and urban and animal waste.
  • Research/demonstration sites should be established at more locations.
  • Find simple "tools" that can be used by everyone to assess how they are doing in the area of sustainability.

Training, Education and Demonstration

  • Describe the key learning steps and phases of GROW BIOINTENSIVE techniques and relate Ecology Action publications to them.
  • Continue to define target groups and outreach opportunities.
  • Search for people in communities who are the most receptive to applying GROW BIOINTENSIVE practices, including young people and elders.
  • Encourage the creation of demonstration gardens with easy public access and visibility, to demonstrate the method at various stages of development

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