Biointensive Team Corner
Introducing Emily Danko
Program Manager and Educator at Common Ground Garden
I'm excited to be a part of the team at CGG. I recently returned to my hometown of Woodside after receiving my undergraduate degree in sustainable development from Washington University in St. Louis. While living in St. Louis, I spent a summer interning for the Missouri Coalition for the Environment, which jump-started my passion for environmental sustainability and combating climate change. Despite this great experience, Missouri winters weren't my favorite, so I decided to take a trip toward the tropics. In the spring of 2015, I traveled to Samoa, where I completed a month-long independent study project on traditional agricultural methods, along with learning to spearfish and dance the Samoan siva. After my return to St. Louis, I graduated a semester early and used that time to work at the Challenger Learning Center in Ferguson. At Challenger, I honed my skills as an informal science educator. Now, I'm thrilled to combine my interests in education and the environment with the help of Common Ground Garden. I can't wait to learn more about sustainable agriculture and urban farming, and then share that knowledge with the community!
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