GROW BIOINTENSIVE can make possible:

This program:

In addition to collaborating with independent U.S. and international regional centers, Ecology Action has also provided assistance and taught classes at university programs including ones at Stanford University, the University of California-Davis, and the University of Arizona. The GROW BIOINTENSIVE method is being used to develop urban and rural community projects, serving as models for individuals, organizations and communities to establish sustainable GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farms.

The program's major emphases are in:

In addition:

The program is administered by Ecology Action, a non-profit organization with over fifty years of experience and over 40 publications in this field, which are used nationally and internationally. Media coverage of this work has included: The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Science '80, The Christian Science Monitor, Horticulture, The California Farmer, and the PBS Television Network.