The following list is part of a growing body of peer-reviewed articles and research papers on Biointensive agriculture. We have provided links to as many of the papers as we can, and are tracking down copies of the unlinked papers which we will post as they become available. Unfortunately, many of the papers are behind paywalls; we are negotiating with the publishers to make copies available to Ecology Action for sharing, but until then, we suggest you contact the organization, author, or publisher directly and request a copy of the paper.
If you know of any peer-reviewed articles or papers published on Biointensive agriculture that are not listed here, please send us an email with the title and a link to the paper.
You can download a PDF of this list here.
Peer Reviewed
Ambuhang, S., Deleuran, L., Kushwaha, S. (2016) Assessing the impact of a sustainable bio-intensive farming system and a conventional farming system on the livelihood and food security of farmers in the Upayapur District, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Sept 2016, 249-260.
farmers_in_the_Udayapur_District_NepalBeeby, J., Moore, S. R., Taylor, L., Nderitu, N. (2020) Effects of a One-Time Organic Fertilizer Application on Long-Term Crop and Residue Yields, and Soil Quality Measurements Using Biointensive Agriculture, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 19 June 2020
Link:, A., (2006) A Comparative study between Bio-intensive farming system and Subsistence
Farming System. BSc (Honours) Ag Thesis. HICAST, Purbanchal University, Kathmandu.Bomford, M. K. (2009): Do Tomatoes Love Basil but Hate Brussels Sprouts? Competition and Land-Use Efficiency of Popularly Recommended and Discouraged Crop Mixtures in Biointensive Agriculture Systems, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 33:4, 396-417
Link:, D., (2005) Comparative advantage of vegetable production in bio-intensive farming
system: a case study of Udayapur district. BSc (Hons) Agriculture Thesis, HICAST, Purbanchal University.Figueredo Rodríguez, M., Cuevas Vázquez, M., Serrano Flores, M.E., Hernández Soto, J.A. (2004) Análisis de los rendimientos y comportamiento de las propiedades del suelo mediante la aplicación de la agricultura orgánica biointensiva. Cent. Agríc. 311–312, 104–108.
Link:, P.T. (1976) The effect on soil conditions of mechanized cultivation at high moisture content and of loosening by hand digging. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol 86 pg. 567-571
Link: .Gómez-Álvarez, R., Lázaro-Jerónimo, G., León-Nájera, J.A. (2008) Producción de Frijol Phaseolus vulgaris L. y Rábano Rhabanus sativus L. en Huertos Biointensivos en el Trópico Húmedo de Tabasco; Universidad y Ciencia: Villahermosa, Mexico, Vol. 241, pp. 11–20.
Link:, B. F., Smith, I. K. (1998) Small-scale, intensive cultivation methods: The effects of deep hand tillage on the productivity of bush beans and red beets. Am. J. of Alternative Agriculture Vol. 13 Number 1 pg. 28-38.
Link:, J. C. (2001) Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: I. The Challenge, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 19:2, 49-63, DOI: 10.1300/J064v19n02_06
Link:, J. C. (2001) Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: II. Perspective, Principles, Techniques and History, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 19:2, 65-76, DOI: 10.1300/J064v19n02_07
Link:, J. C. (2001) Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: III. System Performance–Initial Trials, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 19:2, 77-83, DOI: 10.1300/J064v19n02_08
Link:, J. C. (2001) Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: IV. System Performance–Continuing Trials in a More Difficult Environment and Soil, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 19:2, 85-97, DOI: 10.1300/J064v19n02_09
Link:, J. C. (2001) Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: V. Future Potential, Some Representative World Applications, Future Challenges and Research Opportunities, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 19:2, 99-106, DOI: 10.1300/J064v19n02_10
Link:, D. (1983) Changes in carbon content in a soil under intense cultivation with organic amendments. Master’s of Science thesis, Soil Science Department, University of California–Berkeley, 228pp.
Mbugwa, G. W., (2003) The Impact of Biointensive Cropping on Yields and Nutrition. Master’s Thesis, Cornell University, Dept. of Crop and Soil Science
Medina Macías, J.A. (2015) de la Producción de Biomasa y su Relación con las Propiedades del Suelo en un Sistema de Cultivo Biointensivo. Master’s Thesis. Centro de Ciencias Agropecuarias: Aguascalientes, México Link:
Moore, S. R. (2010). Energy efficiency in small-scale biointensive organic onion production in Pennsylvania, USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 253, 181–188.
Link:, E., Norton, J., Ashilenje, D. (2014). Performance of a local open pollinated maize variety and a common hybrid variety under intensive small-scale farming practices. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 9. 950-955. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2013.7359
Link: B. P. (2011). Bio-intensive Farming System: Potentials and Constraints in the Context of Agroecology in the Tropics, Chapter 3 in Agroecology, Ecosystems, and Sustainability in the Tropics, 2017, pp. 72-87.
Link: B. P. (2011). Bio-intensive Farming System: Validation of Its Approaches in Increasing Food Production, Improving Food Security and Livelihoods. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9, 112-123.
Production_Improving_Food_Security_and_LivelihoodsRajbhandari B. P. (2011). Relationships among Rotational Intensity, Crop Diversity Index, Land Utilization Index and Yield Efficiency in Bio-Intensive and Conventional Farming Systems. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9, 44-52.
Intensity_Crop_Diversity_Index_Land_Utilization_Index_and_Yield_Efficiency_in_Bio-intensive_and_Conventional_Farming_SystemsRajbhandari B. P. (2004). Concept, principles and approaches of bio-intensive farming system.
Green field Journal, HICAST, Bhaktapur. 2(2):1-3.
Link: B. P. (2010) Relationship among eco-technical parameters and yield efficiency in Biointensive farming and conventional farming systems. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8, 137-142.
Simon, X., Montero, M., Bermudez, O. (2020) Advancing Food Security through Agroecological Technologies: The Implementation of the Biointensive Method in the Dry Corridor of Nicaragua. Sustainability 2020, 12(3), 844.
Link:, S. and Rajbhandari, B.P. (2005) Bio-intensive farming system: women’s engagement in
agro-biodiversity conservation. Green field Journal, HICAST, Bhaktapur. 3(2):164-171.
Link:'s_Engagement_in_Agro-biodiversity_ConservationThapa, S. and Rajbhandari, B.P. (2006) Bio-intensive farming system: an approach for evergreen
revolution. Green field Journal, HICAST, Bhaktapur. 4(2):90-94.
Wetzel, S. T. (2009) Subsistence is Enough: The New Role of Agriculture in Local Economic Development, Master’s Thesis, London School of Economics. Link: Unconfirmed (author is being contacted)
Martínez, V. J. (1996): El método biointensivo de cultivo. Coloquio sobre agricultura orgánica: una opción sustentable para el agro mexicano. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo (UACH), Chapingo, México.