NEW in 2025!
Cómo Cultivar Más Vegetales, 9ª edición
Traducido por Oneyda Martínez Vázquez y
Juan M. Martínez Valdez
Edición y revisión de tablas de referencia
Marisol Tenorio López y
José Agustín Medina Macías
Traducción al español de la 9ª edición, 268 páginas. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB Descargar PDF)
How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons
Spanish translation of the 9th edition, 268 pages. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB PDF Download)

Haga clic aquí para obtener el libro electrónico

Fertilidad Futura
(Future Fertility, Spanish Translation)
Transformando los desechos humanos en Riqueza
John Beeby, 1995&1998, 193 pp.
Devolver los nutrientes de los desechos humanos al suelo del que proceden es esencial para la sostenibilidad de la agricultura en todo el mundo. Este manual detallado y práctico describe métodos de baja tecnología, tanto establecidos como innovadores, para reciclar de forma segura y eficaz los nutrientes de los desechos humanos. Más importante aún, describe los principios que sustentan los métodos y los criterios que debe cumplir cualquier método para garantizar su seguridad y sostenibilidad. Es una lectura obligada para quienes estén interesados en transformar sus desechos en riqueza en el futuro..
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
haga clic aquí (~5MB)
Also available in English:

Future Fertility
Transforming Human Waste Into Human Wealth
John Beeby, 1995, 164 pp.
Returning the nutrients in human waste back to the soil from which they came is essential for the sustainability of agriculture worldwide. This detailed and practical manual describes both established and innovative low-technology methods of safely and effectively recycling the nutrients in human waste. More importantly, it describes the principles behind the methods, and criteria that any method must meet for safety and sustainability. A must for those interested in transforming their waste into wealth in the future.
Price US$10.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Also available in print here.
NEW in 2023
Test Your Soil With Plants (2nd Edition) - Ebook
(formerly Booklet 29 - now revised and expanded!)
By John Beeby
2013, 168 pp.
For thousands of years, farmers were able to predict the agricultural value of land by observing the plants that grow on it. This book shows you how to optimize your garden's health and productivity, simply by observing the plants growing in your garden. Learn what natural fertilizers lead to best garden health. Fully revised and updated edition. Includes color photos.
"Notice the number of different kinds of plants growing in that soil, perhaps some so small and inconspicuous you have to get down on your hands and knees to see, perhaps others that tower above you. Realize that each one of those plants, and every plant, speaks of the conditions in which it grows. The language it speaks can only be seen, not heard. Through its presence, form, color and vigor, each plant describes - in general or very specific terms - the moisture, acidity, nutrient content, and other conditions of the soil. The simple fact that a particular plant is growing there is telling you something about that soil. The fact that the plant is stunted and its growing tips are withered is telling you something. The fact that its color is a deep green, but it seems not to be vigorous, is telling you somethings. Now, take a look at that little patch of ground and plants again, and imagine the hundred, maybe thousands, of pieces if information that are being communicated to you! " - From the Introduction
Price US$10.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Also available in print here.
Ecology Action's 52-Week Garden Planning Chart
By: Ecology Action Staff, 2023, ~100 Microsoft Excel worksheet pages plus key and notes. Price: $5.00
To keep track of everything, the Ecology Action FTT team uses our detailed 52-Week Planning Chart for each growing bed, which is laid out in three horizontal fields across the weeks of the year, to create schedules for Fall, Spring, and Catch-Crop seasons. It’s easy to use: you just look at what needs to be done in a given week, and the schedule has already been set up (optimally, you do this for the entire year the previous August). This type of long-term planning becomes possible when you work with your garden for several years and keep good records so you know what works, what doesn't, and when repetitive tasks need to be done each season. This is a template for you to use and adjust for your own garden.
Best for experienced mini-farmers.
Price US$5.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Other Featured Downloads
Booklet 43

Booklet 43
Growing a Living Fence
David Troxell, 2022, 8 pp., 3.66MB PDF
Years ago, we received a copy of the book Hedgerow as a gift from a friend. The lovely writing and beautiful illustrations struck a chord deep within us and inspired us to think about creating hedgerows in our own gardens. With the book as an inspiration, EA Communications Director David Troxell used his extensive experience in landscape and garden design to plan our hedge, which we hope to establish at The Jeavons Center over the course of several years; Booklet 43 is an outline of that plan.
Price US$3.00
To purchase the electronic version:
To purchase the print version click here and then click the "booklets" tab.
Booklet 38

A Path to Peace and Sustainability: Growing Soil, Food and Seed
in As Little As 1,000 Sq. Ft.
Matt Drewno,
2021, 76 pp.
The printing of this important publication is made possible in honor of Paul Hwoschinsky, who three decades ago helped catalyze the GB Africa Program. Paul said "The most important thing about GB is that it creates Community!” Five years in development, this 76-page booklet with many full-color photos is a beautiful and thoughtful work, and Matt’s writing style makes it a pleasure to read. See an excerpt here.
Purchase the electronic version: US$5.00
Purchase the print version here.
Folleto 38 versión electrónica disponible gratis en español en PDF, click aquí
(17 MB PDF)
The Farmer's Handbook - Enhanced with Full-Color Teaching Posters

The Farmer's Mini-Handbook: GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-Farming by Margo Royer-Miller was first published in 2011. Since then, due to popular demand, we've translated it into 7 other languages (French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Hindi, Russian, and Portuguese).
You can download all of them here, for free.
To celebrate our eBooklets coming online this September, we're releasing an enhanced version of The Farmer's Handbook: one that includes 8 full-color teaching posters that beautifully illustrate the
guiding principles of the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method.
We are offering this handbook to you at no charge,
but we ask you to make a donation help keep our work growing.
Donations help us teach people around the world to grow healthy food and fertile soil,
and allow us to create beautiful and useful publications like this one for the whole world to use.
The Farmer's Mini-Handbook, Enhanced Edition
34 pages, including 8 full-color posters
Price: $0.00. Suggested Donation: $5.00
Click Add to Cart, below.
When you check out, enter the amount you would like to donate in the price box
(enter 0 if you do not wish to donate at this time).
This perspective paper on climate change and GROW BIOINTENSIVE
from Ecology Action
is available as a PDF in:

Get your free copy:
click here to download the English version
haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español
cliquez ici pour télécharger la version française
(~600KB file)
Cómo Cultivar Más Vegetales, 9ª edición
Traducido por Oneyda Martínez Vázquez y
Juan M. Martínez Valdez
Edición y revisión de tablas de referencia
Marisol Tenorio López y
José Agustín Medina Macías
Traducción al español de la 9ª edición, 268 páginas. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB Descargar PDF)
How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons
Spanish translation of the 9th edition, 268 pages. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB PDF Download)

Haga clic aquí para obtener el libro electrónico
كيف نزرع المزيد من الخضار
How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons
Arabic translation of the 5th Edition 354 pages.
English version ©2012 Ecology Action. Electronic format ©2021
(~70 MB PDF Download)

Find more translations of HTGMV here
The following booklets were written by John Jeavons, Ecology Action staff and apprentices, and contain basic information for learning GROW BIOINTENSIVE method and other techniques.
Print versions of our booklets are available here.
Haga clic aquí para ver nuestros folletos disponibles en español
Booklet 0
Biointensive Mini-Farming: A Rational Use of Natural Resources
EA Staff, 1985, 13 pp. Price: $1.00
Explains what Ecology Action is doing and why. Well footnoted.
Booklet 1
Cucumber Bonanza
J Mogador Griffin, 1979, 18 pp. Price: $2.00
Takes cucumbers as an example of a crop history and goes through 7 years of work, from 1973 to 1979, during which yields in our research gardens increased from 140 to 400 pounds per bed. An excellent introduction to mini-farming and the variables which can be examined for greater yields.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(4.37 MB PDF)
Booklet 2
One Crop Test Booklet: Soybeans
By: Griffin & Jeavons, 1980, 24 pp. Price: $2.00
Contains step-by-step instructions for conducting comparative tests for spacing and yield (with optional water monitoring) for soybeans, an important protein crop.
Booklet 9: A Perspective
A Perspective
By: John Jeavons
1981, 17 pp , Price: $2.00
A paper given at The Second International Conference on Small Scale Intensive Food Production, reporting on the worldwide efforts of Ecology Action and others.
Booklet 11: Examining the Tropics
Examining the Tropics: A Small Scale Approach to Sustainable Agriculture
Jeavons & Griffin, 1982, 40 pp. Price: $4.00
A “working paper” designed to present basic information on the tropics. Contains a large bibliography.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(3.22 MB PDF)
Booklet 12
Growing and Gathering Your Own Fertilizer
EA staff, 1984, 140 pp. Price: $14.00
We’ve had increasing requests for a book on how to grow your own fertilizer from common materials. Over 90 of tables on the fertilizer potential of common home, garden and farm materials. Many places in the world (US also) simply cannot easily get commercial or prepared fertilizers. Get independence in your garden.
Booklet 13
Growing to Seed
Peter Donelan, revised 1999, 45 pp. Price: $4.00
How to grow all your own seed in the smallest possible area in your own backyard. Maintain optimum health and genetic diversity in your seed stock! Includes information on vegetables, grains, cover crops, seed exchanges, and seed co-operatives, plus a bibliography. Essential tables on crops and their seed-saving characteristics.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(1.33 MB PDF)
Booklet 14
The Complete 21-Bed Biointensive Mini-Farm
John Jeavons, 1987, 32 pp. Price: $3.00
Currently it takes a minimum of 10,000 square feet to feed one person in the U.S., and often 16,000 square feet to feed one person in the Third World. This booklet gives a step-by-step approach on how to start sustainably growing all your food, a small income, and compost crops in as little as 2,100 square feet. Assumes you've read How to Grow More Vegetables, One Circle, Backyard Homestead.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(4.33 MB PDF)
Booklet 15 + Supplement
One Basic Mexican Diet
J Mogador Griffin, 1987, 32 pp. Price: $3.00
This booklet grew out of Gary Stoner’s work with the Menos y Mejores project in Tula, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
It includes an exploration and complete nutritional analysis of a typical family diet.
We can learn much about providing for ourselves from our friends in Tula.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(6.40 MB PDF)
Booklet 16
Foliar Feeding
Peter Donelan, 1988, 9 pp. Price: $1.50
A consideration of how to get the most from your crops through foliar feeding, with several easy-to-make-at-home recipes for sprays.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(1.29 MB PDF)
Booklet 17
Backyard Garden Research
John Jeavons & Bill Bruneau, 1988, 32 pp. Price: $3.00
Techniques for improving your garden and gardening. What to look at when setting up your garden, ways to improve your garden’s performance, and how to listen to what your garden is telling you.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(4.23 MB PDF)
Booklet 18
Dried, Cut, and Edible Flowers for Pleasure, Food and Income
Louisa Lenz, 1990, 60 pp. Price: $6.00
Flowers enrich our lives, are often quite useful for vegetable growing by serving as food sources for pollinating insects, can be part of a good business, and many are even good to eat! Cultivation of dried and cut flowers, information on edible flowers, and economic data on mini-farming flowers commercially. Illustrated.
Booklet 19
Biointensive Micro-Farming; A Seventeen Year Perspective
John Jeavons, 1989, 20 pp. Price: $3.00
This booklet answers many of the most commonly asked questions about our work and the purpose and direction of our research.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(3.18 MB PDF)
Booklet 20
An Ecology Action Reading Guide
John Jeavons, 1988, 12 pp. Price: $4.50
Our Ecology Action publications contain a wealth of information - here is John’s plan for the best way to use them to make your learning easier. What to read when, plus suggested supplemental readings. Create your own curriculum.
Booklet 21
Micro-farmers as a Key to The Revitalization of the World’s Agriculture and Environment
John Jeavons, 1989, 13 pp. Price: $4.50
Micro-farming in a global and a national context--shows the contribution it can make to solving many of our current environmental and agricultural problems.
Booklet 22
Grow Your Manure For Free
John Jeavons & Bill Bruneau, 1990, 12 pp. Price: $1.25
An excellent and concise summary on growing compost crops to improve your soil’s fertility. Highlights ten exceptional crops and their respective advantages, with tips on how to plant and compost them.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(1.81 MB PDF)
Booklet 24
Ecology Action’s Comprehensive Definition of Sustainability
John Jeavons & Steve Rioch, 2005, 4 pp. Price: $1.00
What specifically sustainability is, with notes.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(1.13 MB PDF)
Booklet 25
One Basic Kenyan Diet: Diet, Income and Compost Crop Designs in a Three Bed Learning Model
Patrick Wasike, 1991, 23 pp. Price: $2.50
A thorough analysis of a vegetarian Kenyan diet. A fully sustainable three bed model, based on our Booklet 14. Profusely illustrated with charts and references.
Booklet 26
Learning To Grow All Your Own Food: One Bed Model For Compost, Diet and Income Crops
Carol Cox & Staff, 1991, 25 pp. Price: $2.50
Based on Booklet 14, this complete course was developed through our workshops on the one-bed learning & teaching model. Gives detailed cultural instructions for many crops that we have found successful in our research garden. Good materials for planning and record keeping.
Booklet 27
Growing Medicinal Herbs in as Little as Fifty Square Feet - Uses and Recipes
Louisa Lenz-Porter, 1995, 40 pp. Price: $4.00
How to grow most of one person’s medicinal herbs in as little as 50 square feet. An herbal “medicine cabinet.” of 24 common, easily grown herbs is described in depth. Instructions, recipes, and bibliography take an easy approach to an enjoyable activity. Sample 50-sq-foot bed with ideas for personal modifications.
Booklet 28
The Smallest Possible Area to Grow Food and Feed
Emmanuel Chiwo Omondi, 1997, 45 pp. Price: $4.50
Sustainable diet and dairy production, for a family with one cow.
Test Your Soil With Plants: Second Edition
(formerly Booklet 29 - now revised and expanded!)
John Beeby, 2013, 168 pp.
For thousands of years, farmers were able to predict the agricultural value of land by observing the plants that grow on it. This book shows you how to optimize your garden's health and productivity, simply by observing the plants growing in your garden. Learn what natural fertilizers lead to best garden health. Fully revised and updated edition. Includes color photos.
"Notice the number of different kinds of plants growing in that soil, perhaps some so small and inconspicuous you have to get down on your hands and knees to see, perhaps others that tower above you. Realize that each one of those plants, and every plant, speaks of the conditions in which it grows. The language it speaks can only be seen, not heard. Through its presence, form, color and vigor, each plant describes - in general or very specific terms - the moisture, acidity, nutrient content, and other conditions of the soil. The simple fact that a particular plant is growing there is telling you something about that soil. The fact that the plant is stunted and its growing tips are withered is telling you something. The fact that its color is a deep green, but it seems not to be vigorous, is telling you somethings. Now, take a look at that little patch of ground and plants again, and imagine the hundred, maybe thousands, of pieces if information that are being communicated to you! " - From the Introduction
Price US$10.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Also available in print here.

Future Fertility
Transforming Human Waste Into Human Wealth
John Beeby, 1995, 164 pp.
Returning the nutrients in human waste back to the soil from which they came is essential for the sustainability of agriculture worldwide. This detailed and practical manual describes both established and innovative low-technology methods of safely and effectively recycling the nutrients in human waste. More importantly, it describes the principles behind the methods, and criteria that any method must meet for safety and sustainability. A must for those interested in transforming their waste into wealth in the future.
Price US$10.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Also available in print here.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF
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Booklet 30
GROW BIOINTENSIVE® Sustainable Mini-Farming Teacher Certification Program
EA Staff, 2009, 38 pp. FREE
Details for those who are interested in the requirements and process for becoming Certified Teachers of Biointensive techniques.
Booklet 31
Designing a GROW BIOINTENSIVE(R) Sustainable Mini-Farm – A Working Paper
Ecology Action Staff, Revised 2013, 45 pp. Price: $4.50
Introduces in detail the concepts behind the design of a sustainable mini-farm that provides compost material for soil fertility, food for a balanced diet, and crops to market for a small income, all in the smallest possible area. Includes 10 forms to be filled out with data from your own garden site and nutritional needs and takes you through the process that will end in a sustainable design for your own specific situation. The process is one used in our workshops that has evolved over many years... a practical tool for your home garden!
Disponible gratis en español en PDF
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(~879 KB)
Booklet 32
GROW BIOINTENSIVE(R) Composting and Growing Compost Materials
Ecology Action Staff, 2004, Updated 2007 35 pp. Price: $8.95
Revised version of discontinued booklets 10 and 23. This book details our research into producing the highest quality compost from crops grown in your own garden. All that we have learned in the past 14 years has been included.
Booklet 33
Grow Your Own Grains
Carol Cox, 2008, 28 pp Price: $2.25
At last! Basic grain raising and harvesting on a small scale, appropriate for a home garden. How to grow and use barley, oats, cereal rye, triticale, wheat, amaranth, corn, millet, quinoa, rice, sorghum and teff. Carol Cox is the Garden Manager at our Ecology Action Research Mini-Farm in Willits, and has been growing all kinds of grains for many years. A working paper.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF, haga clic aquí
(1.43 MB PDF)
Booklet 34
Food for the Future, Now! A Survival Garden Plan.
Damon P Miller II, MD, CNP, Carol Cox, Robin Mankey, 2010, 48 pp Price: $5.00
There is a difference between responding to panic and planning for the future! This booklet provides carefully constructed garden plans to provde a basic, nutritionally complete diet for one person, increasingly healthy soil, and even seed for replanting. Based on the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method to insure sustainability.
Booklet 35
Growing More Food With Less Water
Ecology Action Staff, 2011, 35 pp Price: $2.25
This booklet is for gardeners who have limited water for the growing of their food, either those in naturally dry areas or in areas of extended drought. If you want to find new ways to maximize the efficiency of the water you use in your garden, this book will help. It briefly explains how water acts in the soil, quantifies the water savings of growing food biointensively and describes ways to minimize the water you need. It then covers a number of ingenious ways to harvest rainfall, add water effectiveness to your soil and notes methods to use for storing water.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(3.84 MB PDF)
Booklet 36
Experimental 33-Bed GROW BIOINTENSIVE Mini-Farm - Growing Complete Fertility, Nutrition and Income
John Jeavons, 2011, 34 pp Price: $3.75
This booklet is our newest plan, based upon 40 years of solid research, for growing all your food, compost and a modest income on a little as 3,300 sq ft of growing beds. This is based on conservative intermediate-level GROW BIOINTENSIVE yields. It has been designed for longer growing season areas with warmer nights, as opposed to Booklet 14, and similarly uses a 3-bed plan as its basis, which can then be scaled up to a full mini-farm. Contains delicious recipes based on the crops grown.
Booklet 37
Energy Use in Biointensive Food Production
Steve Moore, 2013, 29 pp Price: $3.00
Among the benefits potential for the Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming method are higher yields, lower water consumption, less fertilizer. It is fairly straightforward to weigh produce, measure water use, and keep track of fertilizers. It is not so easy to evaluate the total input of energy in farming systems.
Steve Moore, director of the Agroecology Program at Elon University in North Carolina, has been investigating this particular aspect of the Biointensive system. His new booklet in the EA Self-Teaching Mini-Series, Energy Use in Biointensive Food Production, evaluates the different forms of energy that contribute to food production. They include the calories of labor, the calories embedded in the tools we use, and the calories used in getting the food to our plates—processing and preserving. Two crops, onions and flour corn, serve to illustrate how the use of energy is calculated with as little as 6% the energy being used in biologically intensive practices compared with conventional ones.
Be sure to check out the energy efficiencies of fermentation food preservation, including Sauerkraut!
Booklet 38

A Path to Peace and Sustainability: Growing Soil, Food and Seed
in As Little As 1,000 Sq. Ft.
Matt Drewno,
2021, 76 pp.
The printing of this important publication is made possible in honor of Paul Hwoschinsky, who three decades ago helped catalyze the GB Africa Program. Paul said "The most important thing about GB is that it creates Community!” Five years in development, this 76-page booklet with many full-color photos is a beautiful and thoughtful work, and Matt’s writing style makes it a pleasure to read. See an excerpt here.
Purchase the electronic version: US$5.00
Purchase the print version here.
Folleto 38 versión electrónica disponible gratis en español en PDF, click aquí
(17 MB PDF)
Booklet 39
A Global Pattern for Feeding the World
A 46-Year Perspective and A Plan for the Next Decade
Mary Zellachild, 2019, 11 pp Price: $1.00
This is the first "Perspective" booklet EA has written since 1989. Looking back at the earlier perspectives,
it's rewarding to see the progress made. The fact that the GB system is being used successfully in 152 countries worldwide in diverse climates and soils, and that the demand for the training is still so high, leads us to believe that our 46 years of work are being very beneficial. More importantly, it gives us hope that GB can be an integral solution everyone can use to have the healthy food, and the healthy lifestyle they deserve—while living in balance with the Earth! By remaining flexible, while giving our best efforts towards strengthening our programs and advocating for the GB system globally and locally, we believe we are helping the most people catalyze an improved life for themselves!
Mary Zellachild, former Communications Director for Ecology Action provides us with this excellent summary of work to date and plans for the future.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF,
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(2.56 MB PDF)
Booklet 41
Reflections on Crop Cultivation Practices
John Jeavons and the Ecology Action Team,
(1st Edition was released in 2021, 32 pp. Updated: 6th Edition, March 2024 62 pp.)
Booklet 41 contains gardening and crop information developed over 39 years for the whole year, at The Jeavons Center in the mountains a little east of Willits, California. Much of the crop information is useful in general. When not, gardeners, even in other climates, in other countries, have been excited to use those parts adapted by them to their areas.
e-booklet: US$7.00

Booklet 43
Growing a Living Fence
David Troxell, 2022, 8 pp., 3.66MB PDF
Years ago, we received a copy of the book Hedgerow as a gift from a friend. The lovely writing and beautiful illustrations struck a chord deep within us and inspired us to think about creating hedgerows in our own gardens. With the book as an inspiration, EA Communications Director David Troxell used his extensive experience in landscape and garden design to plan our hedge, which we hope to establish at The Jeavons Center over the course of several years; Booklet 43 is an outline of that plan.
Price US$3.00
To purchase the electronic version:
NEW in 2024!

Booklet 44
Ultra: Accelerated Learning and Teaching Approach
By John Jeavons, with Shannon Joyner
2023, 45 pp., ~3.5MB PDF
The accelerating challenges we face—individually and globally—means more people than ever will need the skill to grow fertile soil, grow abundant nutritious food, grow an income, and be a functioning and beneficial part of their community. To address this need, John Jeavons developed the “Ultra: Accelerated Learning and Teaching Approach” booklet as part of an initiative to train as many people as possible to become GROW BIOINTENSIVE® Closed-Loop Sustainable Mini-Farming practitioners in
a 6-week to 6-month period. The goal of this initiative is for each 6-week to 6-month Ultra Trainee to have the equivalent of a 3-year Ecology Action Apprentice’s perspective and grasp, although not all technical information on the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method.
The purpose of this booklet is to provide a foundation for people training to use GROW BIOINTENSIVE (GB) as they learn to work with nature, to create solutions to the challenges facing us, and to thrive as individuals and as a part of the whole. It is not intended to provide training in the day-to-day techniques—which can be learned from the books, courses, and internships offered by Ecology Action and its partners around the world (although a brief introduction to the Eight Essential Elements of GROW BIOINTENSIVE is provided in Part 2, and the Data Sheets in Part 4 are the same as those used by all GB practitioners to learn to work with their garden efficiently). Instead, it is intended to provide a feel for the experiential and conceptual understanding of the philosophical and even what might be called a spiritual (or deep subconscious) connection with the seasons, cycles, and choices that a seasoned gardener develops over time, and which beginning practitioners of the GB method sometime struggle to understand.
Price US$12.00
To purchase the electronic version:
NEW in 2024!

Booklet 45
The Negative Tolerance Buildup Effect and a
Positive Transformation
By John Jeavons, with Shannon Joyner
2023, 9 pp., ~1MB PDF
“Negative Tolerance” is a system’s capacity to tolerate the negative effects of system variables not functioning correctly. Currently, we are seeing a “negative tolerance buildup ” involving five major variables that impact
the functioning of the systems that support human life on our planet. Booklet 45 explores awareness of these imbalances in our global system, and how GROW BIOINTENSIVE® (GB) Closed-Loop Sustainable Mini-Farming provides a solution to all five of the challenges to our system’s balanced functioning: Soil, Water, Energy, Nutrients, and Overpopulation.
Price US$5.00
To purchase the electronic version:
Technical Booklet 1
Solar Water Heater
Jeff Smith and John Warner, 2000, 12 pp.
Sweaty gardeners at our research garden have been grateful for the solar-heated shower in the garden, and we have had requests for the plans…so here they are. Written by the two master builders who installed ours, these are detailed plans with drawings, a materials list, and complete instructions on building and siting.
e-booklet: US$2.00
Personal Booklet 1
Another Way to Wealth
Sondra Blomberg, 1991, 16 pp.
A journey of one person from a good job in industry towards an organic Biointensive community-supported economic mini-farm and an integrated, simple, spiritual way-of-life. Included are questionnaires to assist others in their journeys.
e-booklet: US$2.00
Booklets in Other Languages
Many of these booklets are also available in other languages. We will be converting them into electronic format and placing them online soon.
You can now download PDF versions of some of our other publications!
Biointensive Agriculture: A Greener Revolution
a perspective paper from Ecology Action,
is available as a PDF in both:

To download a free copy click here for Spanish and click here for English
(2.61MB file)
This perspective paper from Ecology Action
is available as a PDF in:

Get your free copy:
click here to download the English version
haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español
cliquez ici pour télécharger la version française
(~600KB file)
The following information sheets were written by John Jeavons, Ecology Action staff and apprentices, and contain basic information for learning GROW BIOINTENSIVE method and other techniques.
All of Ecology Action's English language information sheets will be added as they are converted to electronic format.
Print versions of our information sheets are available for in-person purchase by workshop, class, and internship participants only.We apologize for this inconvenience - since our online store Bountiful Gardens closed in 2017, we no longer have the ability to fulfill print orders for the general public.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: About Quinoa and Amaranth
Bill Bruneau, 2019, 2 pp. Price: $1.00
Brief history, culture, and uses of Amaranth and Quinoa.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Accumulator Plants
Notes from "Organic Method Primer" by Barglya and Gylver Rateaver, 4 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Afghan Project to Date
Devon Patillo, 2003, 4 pp. Price: $1.00
Information up to 2003. More on the Afghan Project here and here.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Ants
EA Staff, 1995 1 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Appropriate Agriculture
Michael Shepard & John Jeavons, 1977, 15 pp. Price: $2.00
This footnoted paper was presented at the 1977 “Small is Beautiful’’ Conference at UCD. Presents many historical examples and speaks of the need to look at our present methods of fossil fuel-based agriculture. Still very current.
Ecology Action Information Sheet - 2.5 Acre Sustainable Economic Biointensive MiniFarm
EA Staff, 1994, 5 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Beekeeper's Bibliography
EA Staff, 2 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Bent Beds
EA Staff, 1995 2 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Bibliography for Development Workers
EA Staff, 1986, 1 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Bibliography for the Tropics
EA Staff, 1 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Biodynamic Gardening in India
Engineering of Photosynthetic Systems, Vol. 4 1980, 45 pp: $4.00
Summarizes 3 years’ work at the Shri AMM Murugappa Chettiar Research Center in Madras, India, and with Harijan low-income families. Shows how this method can be transferred to very disadvantaged families owning small, poor strips of land. Promising yields serve as a valuable source of nutritional and economic augmentation. This center received one of India’s highest awards in 1981.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Biodynamic Horticulture in India - Improvements and Extension
Engineering of Photosynthetic Systems, Vol. 15 1983, 57 pp: $5.00
A continuation of the research in Biodynamic Gardening in India (above). Includes correspondence between John Jeavons and the Shri AMM Murugappa Chettiar Research Center.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Biointensive Gardening with Agroforestry
EA Staff, 1 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming Preliminary Research Overview 1972-1996
EA Staff, 1986, 25 pp. Price: $2.00
A brief summary of a quarter-century (1972-1996) of Biointensive research experiences in California, India, Russia, and other regions.
EA Staff, 1993, 2 pp. Price: $1.00
Examples of crops to plant in a growing bed for the home garden.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: The Broccoli Test - Chemical vs Organic vs Biointensive
EA Staff, 1996, 1 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheets: 16 Compost Topics
EA Staff, 25 pp. Price: $3.00
Includes information sheets on:
1. Built Compost to Cured Compost Ratio
2. Carbon in Compost and Green Manure,
3. Carbon and Nitrogen in Common Compost Crops
4. Compost: Waste into Wealth,
5. Compost Crop Alternatives
6. Compost Crops List - Multiple Uses
7. Compost Crop Notes
8. Compost Crops for Sustainability
9. Compost Pile Log Sheet
10. Compost Pile Weight:Volume Ratio
11. Compost Recipes
12. Compost in Tropical Climates
13. Goals for Compost and Sustainable Fertility
14. Deep Soil Creation and Maintenance
15. Supplementary Compost Crop Notes
16. What Happens in a Compost Pile
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Cooking with the Sun
EA Staff, 2010, 2 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Celery as a Source of Income
EA Staff, 1993, 3 pp. Price: $1.00
Children's Gardening Resources
EA Staff, 2009, 4 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Composting for the Tropics
Reprinted from Henry Doubleday Research Association, 1963, 32 pp. Price: $4.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Coppicing
EA Staff, 1985, 11 pp. Price: $2.00
Coppiced and pollarded trees are managed so that they regrow after cutting, taking less time to grow more wood than if you planted new trees. This paper discusses suitable species for coppicing, and how much land is required to sustainably harvest enough wood to provide fuel for a year. Includes a bibliography and resources for learning about coppicing.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Recipe for Comfrey Salve
EA Staff, 1993 1 pp. Price: $1.00
A useful recipe for an easy-to-make hand cream that may help heal cuts and bruises.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Determining the Value of Chemicals and Additives to Sustainable Agriculture
EA Staff, 1994, 3 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Drought Gardening
EA Staff, 7 pp. Price: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Ecodom's Biointensive Experiment Report-1995 Season
By Larissa Avrorina and Olga Sorokina (Ecodom), 29 pp. Price: $2.00
Translated from Russian by Carol Vesecky, Edited by John Jeavons and Carol Cox.
In spring 1995 and experimental Biointensive garden was started at Ecodom, Inc. in Novosibirsk, Siberia
with 5 growing beds. The yields for the crops in 1995 are given in this report.
Louisa Lenz, 1995, 2 pp: $1.00
A handy list of herbal remedies for various complaints.
Note: The content in this article is meant to inform, not to diagnose or treat any ailment. Always use
common sense, and consult with your healthcare provider before attempting to treat yourself or others.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Food-Growing Areas for One Person's Annual Diet
Ecology Action Staff, 2018, 6 pp: $1.00
Summarizes the different land use requirements for different diets/agriculture to grow one person's food for a year.
Useful and well-referenced teaching tool that shows how GROW BIOINTENSIVE can help reduce land use and soil loss.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Fruit Removal for Medfly Control
EA Staff, 1981-89? 1 pp: $1.00
In the 1980s, an invasion of Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata, "medflies") appeared in California and began devastating crops. Residents of Santa Clara (where Ecology Action was located) were asked to remove fruit from trees to help stop the spread of the insects. Insecticides including malathion and fenthion were used by the authorities. Ecology Action put this information sheet out in response to the situation.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: 5 Garden Planning Topics
Ecology Action Staff, 6 pp: $1.00
Includes information sheets on:
1. A Complete, Closed System Mini-Farm (2004)
2. Additional Tools for Garden Planning (1999)
3. Air Temperature and Nitrogen Availability
4. Bed Crop Months
5. Crops and Calories
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Gardening Under a Roomy Tent
Sunset Magazine, 1980 2 pp: $1.00
An article from Sunset Magazine on the work done at Ecology Action's Common Ground Garden in Palo Alto, CA
developing row covers using pvc pipe and plastic or shadecloth. Innovation at the time that has become common use among farmers and gardeners.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Garlic, the "Stinking Rose"
EA Staff, 1995, 2009 4 pp: $1.00
All kinds of information about garlic: history, medicinal properties, nutrition, varieties, growing, harvesting, storing, seed saving, pest control, income, seed sources, and book recommendations.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: GB Sustainable Mini-Farming and Conventional Organic Farming Compared
EA Staff, 1994, 2008 2 pp: $1.00
A short discussion of how conventional organic farming compares with GROW BIOINTENSIVE.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Gopher Control
EA Staff, 1 pp: $1.00
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Green Manure Applications
EA Staff, 1 pp: $1.00
Soil type, growing conditions, season, nitrogen-fixing ability, and general notes on the following green manure crops:
hard red spring wheat, Austrian field pea, sunflower, moth bean, sorghum, and corn
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Growing Potatoes
EA Staff, 1 pp: $1.00
A handy 1-page rundown on growing potatoes the GROW BIOINTENSIVE way.
For more information, see our "Potato Protocol"
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Humus
An extract summarizing Dr. Selman Waksman's observations on the nature and properties of humus. 1 pp: $1.00
Selman Waksman was a microbiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1952 for the discovery of streptomycin, and wrote this thorough and well-researched book Humus in 1936. The entire book is available as a 21.6 mb pdf (text-searchable) download here.
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Inspiration
5 topics, 13 pp. $1.00
The bigger picture. Articles that are the key “position papers” of Ecology Action, and put our work in perspective.
Includes information sheets on:
1. A Challenge
2. A Caveat
3. Ancient Farming Methods Increase Yields
4. Biointensive in Argentina, India and Canada
5. Common Ground Organic Garden
Booklet: Lazy Bed Gardening, Russian Translation
78 pp.
A "quick and dirty" guide. Translated in 1998.
Доступно на русском языке в формате PDF, нажмите здесь
Ecology Action Information Sheet: Sustainable Biointensive Mini-Farming Removing Excess Atmospheric Carbon
Ecology Action Staff, 1996, 7 pp: $1.00
Outlines how implementing sustainable Biointensive mini-farming approaches
may be able help mitigate global warming by removing excess atmospheric carbon dioxide while producing more food.
Tree Collards
John Jeavons, ©1995, 1999, 2002, 2006, 10 pp. Price: $1.00
You may have heard of it, or seen it at the farmers markets, but if you haven't we are sure that you
soon will came across this amazing plant! Different strains are known as Tree Kale or Walking Stick
Kale, Tree Collards (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) are the "tall cousins" in the cabbage family.
They grow upwards like a tree, and some plants can reach up to 12 feet tall!
Find out how to grow and use these amazing plants.
GROW BIOINTENSIVE Yields: The Art and Science of Farming
John Jeavons, ©2006, 7 pp. Price: $1.00
All about GB yields, how they're determined, what's possible.
Publicaciones en español
Los siguientes folletos, escritos por John Jeavons, personal de Ecology Action y los aprendices, contienen información básica para el aprendizaje del método
Los siguientes folletos están disponibles en español, y se agregan más a medida que se traducen:
0, 1, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 39, 45
los folletos "Rendimientos"
"Huertos Familiares",
documentos de perspectiva de Ecology Action
"Agricultura biointensiva: una revolución más verde" y "Cambio climatico y CULTIVE BIOINTENSIVAMENTE"
las hojas de información "Cultivando Nuestro Huerto"
y los libros "El Huerto Sustentable" y "Fertilidad Futura"
¡De nuevo en 2024!
Cómo Cultivar Más Vegetales, 9ª edición
Traducido por Oneyda Martínez Vázquez y
Juan M. Martínez Valdez
Edición y revisión de tablas de referencia
Marisol Tenorio López y
José Agustín Medina Macías
Traducción al español de la 9ª edición, 268 páginas. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB Descargar PDF)
How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons
Spanish translation of the 9th edition, 268 pages. © 2017, 2024 Ecology Action.
(25 MB PDF Download)

Haga clic aquí para obtener el libro electrónico

Fertilidad Futura
(Future Fertility, Spanish Translation)
Transformando los desechos humanos en Riqueza
John Beeby, 1995&1998, 193 pp.
Devolver los nutrientes de los desechos humanos al suelo del que proceden es esencial para la sostenibilidad de la agricultura en todo el mundo. Este manual detallado y práctico describe métodos de baja tecnología, tanto establecidos como innovadores, para reciclar de forma segura y eficaz los nutrientes de los desechos humanos. Más importante aún, describe los principios que sustentan los métodos y los criterios que debe cumplir cualquier método para garantizar su seguridad y sostenibilidad. Es una lectura obligada para quienes estén interesados en transformar sus desechos en riqueza en el futuro..
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El Huerto Sustentable (4.29MB PDF File)
(The Spanish Language Version of The Sustainable Vegetable Garden)
by John Jeavons and Carol Cox, 2007 107 pp.
Based on the best-selling How To Grow More Vegetables..., El Huerto Sustentable is a simpler book for those just
beginning to garden or those who need less information for the
gardening they are doing. Take advantage of two decades of GROW
BIOINTENSIVE food-raising experiences from people everywhere as
you create a highly productive, resource-conserving mini-farm
at home, with its own thriving ecosystem—an environmental
solution for the nineties … and beyond.
Disponible gratis en español en PDF, haga clic aquí (4.3MB)
Folleto 0
Mini agricultura biointensiva: un uso racional de los recursos naturales
EA Staff, Español,1985, 13 pp. Precio: $1.00 donación sugerida
Explica qué está haciendo Ecology Action y por qué. Bien anotado.
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(5.68 MB PDF)
Folleto 1
Bonaza de Pepinos
J Mogador Griffin, Español, 1979, 18 pp.
Toma los pepinos como ejemplo de la historia de un cultivo y pasa por 7 años de trabajo, de 1973 a 1979, durante los cuales los rendimientos en nuestros jardines de investigación aumentaron de 140 a 400 libras por cama. Una excelente introducción a la mini agricultura y las variables que pueden examinarse para obtener mayores rendimientos.
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(4.37 MB PDF)
Folleto 10
Cultive Sus Materiales Para Composta en Casa
John Jeavons, Español, 1994, 20 pp.
Un acercamiento a la producción sustentable de materia orgánica y a la fertilidad del suelo.
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(3.22 MB PDF)
Folleto 11
Examinando Los Tropicos Un Enfoque En Pequena Escala Para La Agricultura Sostenible
Jeavons & Griffin, Español, 1982, 40 pp.
Un "documento de trabajo" diseñado para presentar información básica sobre los trópicos. Contiene una gran bibliografía.
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(5.27 MB PDF)

Folleto 13
Cultivo De Semillas
Peter Donelan, Español, 1986, 80 pp.
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(1.33 MB PDF)
Folleto 14
La Mini-Granja Biointensiva de 21 Camas: Fertilidad, Nutricion y Ingreso
John Jeavons, Español, 1986, 39 pp.
Actualmente, se necesita un mínimo de 10,000 pies cuadrados (929 m2) para alimentar a una persona en los EE. UU. Y, a menudo, 16,000 pies cuadrados (1487 m2) para alimentar a una persona en los países en desarrollo. Este folleto brinda un enfoque paso a paso sobre cómo comenzar a cultivar de manera sostenible todos sus alimentos, un pequeño ingreso y cultivos de abono en tan solo 2100 pies cuadrados (112 m2). Supone que ha leído Cómo cultivar más verduras, One Circle y Backyard Homestead.
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(4.33 MB PDF)
Folleto 15 + el suplemento
Una Dieta Mexicana Básica
J Mogador Griffin, Español, 1987, 32 pp.
Este folleto surgió del trabajo de Gary Stoner con el proyecto Menos y Mejores en Tula, Tamaulipas, México. Incluye una exploración y análisis nutricional completo de una dieta familiar típica. Podemos aprender mucho sobre cómo mantenernos a nosotros mismos de nuestros amigos en Tula.
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(6.40 MB PDF)
Folleto 16
Fertilizacion Foliar
Peter Donelan, Español, 1988, 9 pp.
Una consideración de cómo aprovechar al máximo sus cultivos mediante la alimentación foliar, con varias recetas de aerosoles fáciles de preparar en casa.
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(1.29 MB PDF)
Folleto 17
Investigando En El Huerto
John Jeavons & Bill Bruneau, Español, 1988, 32 pp.
Técnicas para mejorar su huerta y huertando. Qué mirar al configurar su huerta, formas de mejorar el rendimiento de su huerta y cómo escuchar lo que su huerto le dice.
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(4.23 MB PDF)
Folleto 19
Microcultivo Biointensivo, Una Perspectiva de 17 Anos
John Jeavons, Español, 1989, 20 pp.
Este folleto responde a muchas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre nuestro trabajo y el propósito y la dirección de nuestra investigación.
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(3.18 MB PDF)
Folleto 22
Cultive Su Abono Verde
John Jeavons & Bill Bruneau, Español, 1989, 32 pp.
Un resumen excelente y conciso sobre el cultivo de compost para mejorar la fertilidad de su suelo. Destaca diez cultivos excepcionales y sus respectivas ventajas, con consejos sobre cómo plantarlos y compostarlos.
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(1.81 MB PDF)
Folleto 24
Definicion de Sostenibilidad
John Jeavons & Steve Rioch, Español, 1990, 4 pp.
Qué es específicamente la sostenibilidad, con notas.
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(1.13 MB PDF)
Folleto #30: CULTIVE BIOINTENSIVAMENTEMR Mini-Cultivo Sustentable
Capacitación para Instructores
y programa de certificación
Equipo de Ecology Action, 2009, Español; 44 páginas
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Folleto #31: Diseno de un Mini-Huerto Sustentable CULTIVE BIOINTENSIVAMENTEMR
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(~879 KB)

Folleto 33
Cultiva Tus Propios Granos y Cereales: Cultivo, Cosecha y Usos)
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(1.43 MB PDF)
Folleto 35
Cultivar más alimentos con menos agua
Ecology Action Staff, 2011, 35 pp
Este folleto es para agricultores que tienen agua limitada para el cultivo de sus alimentos, ya sea en áreas naturalmente secas o en áreas de sequía prolongada. Si desea encontrar nuevas formas de maximizar la eficiencia del agua que usa en su jardín, este libro lo ayudará. Explica brevemente cómo actúa el agua en el suelo, cuantifica el ahorro de agua del cultivo de alimentos de forma biointensiva y describe formas de minimizar el agua que necesita. Luego cubre una serie de formas ingeniosas de recolectar la lluvia, agregar efectividad del agua a su suelo y toma nota de los métodos que se deben usar para almacenar agua.
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(3.84 MB PDF)
Folleto 38
Un camino hacia la paz y la sustentabilidad:
Cultivando suelo, alimentos y semillas
en solo 100 m2
Matthew Drewno, 2021, 76pp
Folleto 38 versión electrónica disponible gratis en español en PDF, click aquí
(17 MB PDF)
Folleto 39
Un patron global para alimentar al mundo
Mary Zellachild, 2019, 15pp
Una perspectiva a 46 años y un plan para la década siguiente
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(2.56 MB PDF)
¡NUEVO en 2024!

Folleto 45
El Efecto de Acumulación de Tolerancia Negativa y
Una Transformación Positiva
Por John Jeavons y Shannon Joyner
2023, 9 pp., ~1MB PDF
La “Tolerancia Negativa” se refiere a la capacidad de un sistema para tolerar los efectos negativos cuando las
variables de un sistema no están funcionando correctamente. Actualmente estamos viendo una “tolerancia negativa frente al efecto acumulador” que involucra cinco variables importantes que causan un impacto en el funcionamiento de los sistemas que respaldan la vida humana en nuestro planeta.El folleto 45 explora la conciencia de estos desequilibrios en nuestro sistema global, y como el Mini Cultivo Sustentable CULTIVE BIOINTENSIVAMENTEMR de Circuito Cerrado provee una solución para los cinco retos y para el funcionamiento del sistema balanceado: Suelo, Agua, Energía, Nutrientes, y Sobrepoblación.
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(~5 MB PDF)
Ecology Action Staff, 2011, 35 pp Price: $2.25
El arte y la ciencia de la agricultura..
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(3.84 MB PDF)
Cultivando Nuestro Huerto
Ecology Action Staff, 1995, 1998, 4 pp
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(4.52 MB PDF)
Huertos Familiares
Ecology Action Staff, 1991, 60 pp
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(37.6 MB PDF)
Agricultura biointensiva: una revolución más verde
un documento de perspectiva de Ecology Action,
está disponible en formato PDF en:
español and inglés

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(2.61MB file)
Este documento de perspectiva de Ecology Action está disponible en formato PDF en:

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