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Matt Drewno—Master-Level Certified GB Teacher
By Newsletter Staff

Matt DrewnoWe are pleased to announce the following advancement of Matt Drewno, Vice President of Ecology Action, in the GROW BIOINTENSIVE global network! In recognition of his excellent work, Matt has been awarded Master-Level Teacher Certification.

Matt is manager of The Victory Gardens for Peace Mini-Farm (VGfP), formerly known as the Green Belt Mini-Farm. In this work he has planned and coordinated the equivalent of 200, 100-sq-ft GB growing beds at VGfP and Stanford Inn. He has coordinated and taught a program of 2- Month and 6-Month Internships, a 1-Year Apprenticeship, two types of 9-Day Courses and volunteers at VGfP. With a sincere interest in seed saving, he developed the VGfP Seed Bank for the coastal climate, and has authored a comprehensive booklet for approaching the design of a 10-bed (1,000-sq-ft) growing unit that is a major contribution to GB, which will be published in 2019.

It has been a long-term goal of Ecology Action to have an additional Master-Level GB Certified Teacher in addition to John Jeavons, Agustin Medina and Marisol Tenorio. Congratulations, Matt!

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