Matt Drewno—Master-Level Certified GB Teacher
Matt is manager of The Victory Gardens for Peace Mini-Farm (VGfP), formerly known as the Green Belt Mini-Farm. In this work he has planned and coordinated the equivalent of 200, 100-sq-ft GB growing beds at VGfP and Stanford Inn. He has coordinated and taught a program of 2- Month and 6-Month Internships, a 1-Year Apprenticeship, two types of 9-Day Courses and volunteers at VGfP. With a sincere interest in seed saving, he developed the VGfP Seed Bank for the coastal climate, and has authored a comprehensive booklet for approaching the design of a 10-bed (1,000-sq-ft) growing unit that is a major contribution to GB, which will be published in 2019. It has been a long-term goal of Ecology Action to have an additional Master-Level GB Certified Teacher in addition to John Jeavons, Agustin Medina and Marisol Tenorio. Congratulations, Matt! top | Newsletter Home | Table of Contents | Archive