"Dreams Come True" Urban Farm
We started small, with two 30-sq-foot raised beds the first year. We were having too much fun to keep it so small, so the second year we added three more raised beds in the back yard, a clothesline, and six rain barrels. The third year we bought a solar oven, added edible landscaping in the front yard, and built a chicken coop in the back. The fourth year we expanded three of the existing raised beds, planted two apple trees and a Cara Cara orange, and added a sixth raised bed. We weigh our fruit and vegetables and count our eggs, so we can track our progress. Even with poor weather, gophers and et cetera, we have steadily produced more and more of our own food each year. We now grow 42 varieties of vegetables, 10 varieties of berries, 15 varieties of flowers—which draw pollinators—and 27 varieties of herbs. When all the fruit trees (and grafts) are bearing, we will have 17 different varieties of fruit. The tally is not in yet for 2012, but in 2011 we produced 600 lb of fruit, vegetables and berries, and our 6 hens produced 1067 eggs. A big thank you to Common Ground for all their inspiring classes and encouragement! Click here to see a list of current classes being offered at Common Ground in Palo Alto, CA top | Newsletter Home | Article Index | Archive