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Ecology Action Name Addition and Clarification
by John Jeavons

The Common Ground Garden at the Jeavons Center for Biointensive Research and Education

The Common Ground Mini-Farm at the Jeavons Center for Biointensive Research and Education

At its meeting in September 2013, the Ecology Action Board of Directors, after a year of deliberation, added a name to the organization to help clarify who we are and what we do. The additional name is The Jeavons Center for Biointensive Research and Education—The Jeavons Center for short.

We have found that interns and visitors come, and when they return home and explain where they've been, few know what Ecology Action is, or GROW BIOINTENSIVE, or Biointensive, but many recognize the name "Jeavons." The new name is also a better indicator of what our organization does.

Our legal name is still Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula, and we are still a 501(c)(3) non-profit. EA is still made up of three parts: The Jeavons Center, Bountiful Gardens International Mail Order Service (a non-profit business) and Common Ground Garden Supply and Education Center (a non-profit business). The Jeavons Center has four demonstration/training/research sites: Common Ground Mini-Farm in Willits (formerly called EA Headquarters Mini-Farm), Golden Rule Mini-Farm (in collaboration with the Golden Rule Community in Willits), Green Belt Mini-Farm (in collaboration with the Stanford Inn by the Sea Eco-Resort in Mendocino CA) and Common Ground Garden in Palo Alto CA.

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