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Tool Recommendation: Grow Your Soil
By Ecology Action Staff

Hands with soil

This service is recommended by John Jeavons and is approved by Ecology Action for all GROW BIOINTENSIVE® certification programs.

Grow Your Soil™ (GYS) is an organic fertilizer recommendation service available online. John Beeby, a Cornell University-trained soil scientist and former EA apprentice and staff person, provides the Grow Your Soil™ recommendations. He is also happy to answer questions along the way, regarding your soil and how best to improve it. GYS can work with you on ways to manage your soil and crops to minimize the amounts of fertilizers you will need in the future. They will help you not over-fertilize, which is a waste of money and resources and is often detrimental to the soil and environment. In addition to recommending specific fertilizers, they will specify the application rate of each fertilizer and the best way to apply it based on your soil's condition. The GYS service is good for tropical soils as well as temperate ones.

Gaspar Mayagoitia, Chihuahua, Mexico, says, "Grow Your Soil™ helped me to understand my soil condition, and which deficiencies are due to the nature of my soil and which are caused by my tillage practices. The recommendations were customized; in other words, their recommendations were adapted to the availability of fertilizers in my region. I found that especially helpful."

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