Dahlia Dividing Observations
by Suraya David-Sadira,
FTT and Assistant Mini-Farm Manager, TJC
In 2021, we established an experimental 10-Bed Unit (10BU) at TJC complementing the ongoing research on this topic at VGFP and other 10-BU locations globally. The diet design for this experimental bed included dahlias as a versatile carbon/calorie/income crop. You can find a good intro to edible dahlias here.
Welcome to part two in my five-part series
(see part one here) where I share my experiences in Ecology
Action’s Dahlia Research Project. The information
I collect in this project will eventually be
compiled and published in a booklet, but for now,
you get to learn about my findings with me!
The varieties we selected this year are Thomas Edison,
Café Au Lait, Mikayla Miranda, My Hero,
Maki, Who Me?, Chick A Dee, Hometown Hero, Citron
Du Cap, Giggles, and Patches. We were selecting
for biomass, tuber size, and boom beauty: Thomas
Edison, Café Au Lait, Mikayla Miranda, and Patches are likely to have larger tubers; Café Au Lait, My
Hero, Who Me?, Hometown Hero, and Citron Du
Cap are all high biomass producers; and the others
produce extremely beautiful blooms we are all very
excited to see.
This quarter, I learned that dahlia tubers can be very
delicate. The best time to start them indoors is one
month before the last frost. When starting dahlias
indoors, it is important to plant them the correct
way and to not over-water them. This year, I started
our dahlia tubers on April 15, in 6” seedling flats,
on 3” centers, and about 4” deep. I learned about
the delicacy of dahlias because I made the mistakes,
learned the lessons, and now have the information
to share with you! When planting the tubers, it is important
to plant them so they lay horizontally in the
flat, rather than upright/vertically, as tubers planted
in the vertical orientation tend to rot. The next
important thing is to not over-water them: once you
plant them, give them one good water, then don’t
water them again until they sprout or the flat completely
dries out.
Once the dahlias have reached 3”-6” and you have
passed the date of your last frost then you can plant
the dahlia in the ground. The dahlias are most happy
when planted in the evening, so they have time to
adjust before spending a whole day in the sun. If you
plant the tubes in the morning, they will likely be
wilted for a few days before bouncing back. They are
best planted 4”-6” deep, on 12”-18” centers. While
you are planting them, stake them with a 5’-6’ pole.
This is best done when your hole is dug, but before
you put your tuber in—so you get the stake close but
don’t accidentally stab your tuber. Make sure you
are labeling each variety if you have a bed with a log
of mixed varieties. Finally water your bed and watch
your babies grow!!
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