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Ecology Action - The Garden Companion Newsletter Summer 2024 
Ecology Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has been teaching people worldwide to better feed themselves while building the soil and conserving resources since 1971. 
Victory Gardens for Peace is a project of Ecology Action.
This is the 33rd edition of our e-newsletter and we hope you like it!
Read it online at
Articles in this issue:
The Jeavons Center Mini-Farm Report
Read the article at  

Victory Gardens for Peace: The World Situation and Our Agricultural Crisis
Read the article at 

Certified STAARS (Soil Test Analyst and Amendment Recommenders)
Read the article at 

Mt. Tabor Monastery Grows with GB
Read the article at 

Soil Science Spotlight: The Dr. John Doran/USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide, Part 5
Read the article at 

Recipe: Creamy Vegan Caesar Dressing and Almond Parm-Dust  

EA Africa Partner G-BIACK Celebrates World Environment Day
Read the article at 

The Guardian: Blue corn and melons: meet the seed keepers reviving ancient, resilient crops
Read the article at      

Notable EA 2023-24 Awardee Reports: Angel Lopez, Nereida Sanchez & Hermana Esperanza
Read the article at awardeereports.html   

Book Review: How to Store Your Garden Produce: The Key to Self-Sufficiency
Read the article at   

Bountiful Gardens Archive - Summer Gardening: The Right Plants in the Right Location
Read the article at     

Ecology Action Calendar of Events
Read the article at 

FAQ - Your Biointensive Questions Answered 

Like us on Facebook!
Read the article at

Onsite Garden Tours at VGFP (May and October) and TJC (July):

Donate to Ecology Action!

Download the PDF Version of this Newsletter Summer2024_FINAL_CMYK.pdf     

About Ecology Action's Garden Companion 
Managing Writer/Editor and Art Director: Shannon Joyner
Contributors: John Jeavons, Matt Drewno, John Beeby, Mary Zellachild, Brother Zacharias, G-BIACK, Angel Lopez, Nereida Sanchez, Hermana Esperanza, The Guardian, Bountiful Gardens Archive, EA Staff,, and GROW BIOINTENSIVE® friends from around the world. ♥
Ecology Action's Garden Companion Staff and Contributors
Writer/Editor and Art Director: Shannon Joyner
Contributors: John Jeavons, Matt Drewno, John Beeby, Mary Zellachild, Brother Zacharias, G-BIACK, Angel Lopez, Nereida Sanchez, Hermana Esperanza, The Guardian, Bountiful Gardens Archive, EA Staff, and GROW BIOINTENSIVE® friends from around the world.

Notable EA 2023-24 Awardee Reports: 
Angel Lopez, Nereida Sanchez & Hermana EsperanzaEcology Action Events We want to hear from you! Like Us on Facebook Click here to donate! Ecology Action Home Page GB Latin America and Europe Partner ECOPOL/El Mezquite Website Certified STAARS (Soil Test Analyst and Amendment Recommenders) GB Africa Partner G-BIACK Website Victory Gardens for Peace is seeking a biointensive farmer Newsletter Staff and Contributors Garden Tours 2024 - VGFP May 4 - TJC May 5 - VGFP Oct 12. Click here for more information See the Events Calendar Since 1972, Ecology Action has been researching and demonstrating the growing edge of sustainable food raising, making our knowledge available to people everywhere. It is your support dollars that enable this growth and global outreach. Please consider increasing your general support so we can continue to expand our fundamental outreach programs, to people here at home and around the world - and grow a healthier, fairer, and more hopeful tomorrow for us all. Click here to donate now! Donate Now! The online Fall 4-Saturdays Introductory GROW BIOINTENSIVE Workshop:
Nov 16, 30, Dec 7, 14, 2024. Click here for more information Register for a garden tour The Guardian: Blue corn and melons: 
meet the seed keepers reviving ancient, resilient crops Bountiful Gardens Archive: Summer Gardening - The Right Plants in the Right Location Soil Science Spotlight: 
The Dr. John Doran/ USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide, Part 5 Recipe - Creamy Vegan Caesar Dressing and Almond Parm-Dust Book Review: How to Store Your Garden Produce: The Key to Self-Sufficiency EA Africa Partner G-BIACK Celebrates World Environment Day Mt. Tabor Monastery Grows with GB VGFP - The World Situation and Our Agricultural Crisis The Jeavons Center Mini-Farm Report Garden Tours 2024 - VGFP Oct 12 - TJC Oct 13 Click here for more information Ecology Action Events

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