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Former EA Intern Founds GROW West Africa BIOINTENSIVE
By Olawumi Benedict, 2016 EA 8-Month Internship Graduate

GROW West Africa Logo

I am happy to write and tell you that GROW West Africa BIOINTENSIVE began operations December 2016, through the effort of many from California, the US, Europe and Africa. The name was carefully selected to nurture the sub-region through the use of the GROW BIOINTENSIVE® method. We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a major focus on agriculture, employing sustainable biologically intensive, small-scale techniques.

When I left Ecology Action at the end of my internship, a total of $1,200 had been raised to start my project. When I returned to Africa in November, a lot of planning and problem-solving took place, to put this dream into reality within the sub-region.

I have been in Nigeria since December 2016 and will leave mid-February to go back to Ghana to start work on the Ghana farm. I have to stay in Nigeria to connect with some organizations that will help promote our work. We realized that this farming method is seriously needed in Nigeria, so I am collaborating with officials during this time.

Related topics:
Meet Olawumi: an earlier article introducing GROW West Africa's founder when she was an EA intern in 2016.
For more information, visit GROW West Africa BIOINTENSIVE's Facebook page or their website,

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