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Four Sites Soil and Climate Information
From Ecology Action's Research and Demonstration Mini-Farm Gardens

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EA Headquarters (EAH) Mini-Farm, Willits: Challenging soil with high levels of magnesium and nickel. Five-month growing season, usually with cool nights below 60°F, which slows down nutrient cycling, and often hot days in the 90° to 104° range, which also slows down nutrient cycling and pollination. Temperatures down to 24° in winter and as low as 18°. Rain 40-80 inches, usually the former; sometimes, though rarely, as much as 5 inches in one day.

Golden Rule Mini-Farm, Willits: A loose, reasonably fertile soil with a 5-month growing season. Temperatures and rain similar to EAH, with slightly higher daytime and lower nighttime temperatures. Soil nutrients reasonably good.

Green Belt Mini-Farm, Mendocino: Clayey, compacted soil improving with GB practices. Soil nutrients reasonably good. Year-round growing season with Reemay and low tunnels. Generally, no freezing weather. Cool nights and a maximum generally of about 85°F in summer. Winter temperatures about 35° to 55°. Good cool-weather crop period. Rainfall about 45-50 inches during the winter, with another 30 inches accumulating from fog during the summer.

Common Ground Garden, Palo Alto: Reasonable soil, somewhat compacted, but improving with GB practices. Soil nutrient levels reasonable. Approximately 9-month growing season. Winter temperatures from low 30s to 60s. Summer mid 60s to low 100s.

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