Ecology Action's 2017 Training Program (and 2018 Offerings!)
Last year EA got creative with the annual training program! To maximize the effective use of funds and technology we developed and presented an eight-month internship program to international participants through online training free of charge. After the course work was complete, we had hoped to bring them to the Mini-Farm for some direct in-the-garden training. Unfortunately, due to funding and technical challenges it was not possible to complete the entire program. We anticipate reinstating the online 8-month internship in 2019, with lessons incorporated from our first online training experience in 2017. In 2018, we already have an 8-month intern from Bermuda, a 6-month intern from Asheville NC, and we're anticipating two collegiate 2-month summer interns, all at our VGfP site on the Mendocino Coast. We're evaluating other candidates for two additional 6-or 8-month internships, as well as for our 2- and 4-month summer internships. If you're interested, it's not too late to apply! The 9-Part Saturday Course Series, which was successfully offered in 2015, was rebooted in 2017. This course is open to everyone but is most often attended by local gardeners and mini-farmers looking to expand their understanding of the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method. Due to the program's popularity, it's back for the 2018 season and it's growing! A second 9-Day Course focused on diet design and garden planning for high yields and healthy rotations has been added, and both are open to the public. These two courses are part of the growing Biointensive initiative in Mendocino, CA and are both open to the public. Register now! We are happy to introduce the two 2-month interns who worked with us last year: Laura and Pauline, both from California. I'm originally from Castro Valley, CA, and currently in my junior year at the University of the Pacific majoring in environmental science. I'm a Student Garden Coordinator at the university's Robb Garden. The vision of the garden's previous director, Walter Robb, was to have students learn Biointensive practices. The garden has strayed from these practices, but the new Garden Director, Dr. Patty Gray, would like to bring back the original vision. I have become very interested in learning more about the Biointensive method. I'd like to take what I learn from Ecology Action to Pacific University so the garden can continue to follow Robb's original intention. I'm also a Student Garden Coordinator at the university's community garden. I am responsible for several plots and a quarter of the fruit orchard. Daily tasks include pest control, filling compost bins, landscaping and weeding. I'm interested in learning all I can about the Biointensive method of farming and how I can apply this method to future garden projects.
I am originally from Castro Valley, CA, and a senior at the University of the Pacific pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental science with a minor in sustainability. I'm a full-time student, and on the rare occasion when I'm not studying, I enjoy getting my hands dirty. I'm very open to learning new things. GROW BIOINTENSIVE interests me because it utilizes sustainability and maximizes efficiency. As a person who enjoys cooking I believe it's important for everyone to understand that the majority of a meal's quality comes from quality ingredients, and that includes where those ingredients come from. My parents came from a developing nation and taught me the importance of not being wasteful. I believe that the Biointensive method is essential to addressing the problem of global food insecurity. I hope to broaden my knowledge of sustainable practices so I can be part of the solution. I would also like to learn about crop rotation, the treatment of pests and plant diseases using more sustainable methods, how to utilize zero-input agriculture, and how to retain soil nutrients thereby avoiding desertification. Additional training program participants who were with us in 2017:
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