March 27-29, 2000
GROW BIOINTENSIVE conference on the U.C. Davis campus
Home | Intro | Presentations | Breakout
Sessions | Friends: Old & New | Sponsors
Highlights from the opening talk by
John Jeavons, Director of Ecology Action. |
Eleven presentations by speakers from
Argentina, Canada, Ecuador, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, USA, &
Uzbekistan |
It was like a cherished dream come true. All the names seen for
so long in the newsletter, directors of GROW BIOINTENSIVE projects
worldwide, old friends of Ecology Action, Three-Day Workshop participants
- as well as leaders in the sustainable agriculture movement, university
professors and small-scale farmers, were all there, present in one
huge room.
Two hundred thirty-five of us from 16 countries and 24 states,
ready to learn, share and network as much as we could during the
three days of the March 27-29, 2000 GROW BIOINTENSIVE conference
on the U.C. Davis campus.
NEW! Click here to see image galleries from the conference!
Displays |
Breakout Sessions |
Food |
Friends |