This comes from Iuval Clejan, who lives in Mississippi: “I am looking for people to join me in creating a food-self-sufficient rural community, or possibly to work and advise as consultants. I am impressed with the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method and its proven track record. I envision being able to eventually produce almost everything we need at or within walking distance of where we live, but I will start with food, shelter and recreation. I am soliciting for people who love to garden using the GB method, but I need help with many other skills.” Contact: (504) 874-1234; www.everything-is-related.info.
The 28th Annual Ecological Farming Conference: Root Values: Connecting Ecology, Community, and the Land, will be held January 23-26 at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California. Contact: 406 Main St, Suite 313, Watsonville CA 95076; (831) 763-2111; www.eco-farm.org.
The Occidental Arts and Ecology Center will be offering: Permaculture Design Course, March 15-28; and Tours February 23 and March 22. Contact: 15290 Coleman Valley Road, Occidental CA 95465; (707) 874-1557